Our clinic welcomes the whole family; and that from a very early age.
The first visit can occur as soon as the first teeth appear so that we can advise you as best as possible and prevent problems such as early childhood cavities. The fear of dentists often occurs after a bad experience. We’ll make sure that your children go through the best possible experience. For example, if they have cavities, they can watch movies or cartoons during their treatment. We’ll make sure to communicate with them in a way that they’ll understand and explain everything we are doing.
We will also make sure to provide appropriate preventive care: advice on nutrition, health, oral habits, fluoride application and pit and fissure sealant application. We will constantly monitor the progress of their occlusion/bite pattern so that we may intercept any orthodontic problems early on. In doing so, an early intervention will often be less complex and less costly than a later one.