We offer a full range of partial and complete dentures, as well as partial or full dentures on implants. We will listen to your needs so that your dental prosthesis functions the way you want, allows for the best elocution and has the look you want. We’ll help you get the joy of smiling and eating again with the dental work adapted to your wishes and needs. We recreate it all as naturally as possible.
We offer the best techniques and technologies with respect to dental prostheses, including BPS prostheses. For full dentures, partials or on implants. We use the best prosthetic teeth, acrylics, and metals. For dental prostheses on implants, we use bars and structures engineered by the Biocad computer system. A technology developed in Quebec. You’ll get the bioprotection (15-year warranty). We therefore offer complete solutions for your dental prostheses.

A system that combines professional expertise and quality products.
The high quality BPS patented prostheses are the benchmark when it comes to aesthetics, comfort, fit and functionality.
BPS stands for “Biofunctional Prosthetic System” which takes into consideration all of the body parts involved in the process of mastication.
The UTS Facial Arc and Stratos 300 Articulator state-of-the-art equipment record the morphological and aesthetic elements of your face to recreate your smile and the natural contour of your lips and facial muscles.
The superior-quality Ivoclar teeth are used to reflect light from their several layers that mimic natural teeth. The material is resistant to wear, chipping and staining.
The best equipment is used to make the base of dental prostheses. The unique Ivocap injection system compensates for the usual contraction of prosthetic bases. This method provides an exceptional fit, making the dental prosthesis more comfortable, and best for elocution and mastication.